
Monthly Archives: December 2018

Yesterday, the news came out that George Herbert Walker Bush, the 41st United States President had died(cause unknown by the public) at age 94.

Sir, you had given dignity and honor to the Office of the Presidency by doing your job as theĀ  President of the People. You took a political job as a calling to serve the people and not use as a means to enrich yourself nor to pursue your personal interests. You were humble when told of your extensive and impressive public service credentials which everyone knows. One would never accuse you of being a braggart nor have an ego the size of the universe. And why should you? Your self-esteem and level of happiness/contentment was intact during your lifetime.

You can hold your head high as you travel up to the heavens to meet your wife Barbara who’s already waiting for you at the pearly gates “under a thousandĀ  points of light” as you usually quote.

Rest in peace!

