
Monthly Archives: June 2020

With all that has been going on with racial inequality,the Black Lives Matter movement and the need for interracial harmony, one song says it all.

The song titled–-Ebony and Ivory and sung by both music icons–Sir Paul McCartney and Stevie Wonder. I heard that song before but I was able to hear it again just recently from one of my neighbors’ car radio and upon going through the lyrics, the message was loud and clear.

We are all the same in some way even though by appearances, we all look different. We are all here in this world and in this life for a purpose.

There is a saying–In unity,there is strength.

Please bear all of these thoughts in mind. It has been long overdue and would require the utmost initiative and action.


As those folks who know me, I love music especially in singing. As we go through the gradual phase-in of a new normal c/o COVID-19,pending the emergence of a vaccine, here is a short playlist of songs which describes what I think and feel about these changes—-

As I go into a store that has already reopened after a few months,the salespeople would greet me “Welcome back”–cue in the theme song from Welcome Back Kotter.

As I see a grandparent giving finally hugs and kisses to his/her grandchild after being quarantined and locked down, I hear the song lyrics from 3 songs—Reunited—by Peaches & Herb ,When Will I See You Again by Three Degrees and Together Again originally sung by Emmylou Harris though I also liked Martina Mcbride’s version as well.

As I walk down the street and even with social distancing still in place, at least I am not in quarantine, the song from the movie Flashdance (What A Feeling)comes to mind and if I feel like dancing, I imagine Kevin Bacon dancing to Kenny Loggins’ song Footloose.

Keep your chin up,folks! We can do this! Stay safe!


To the graduates of 2020, when you look back on this year 2020 sometime in the future, not only has it been a pandemic year(thanks to COVID-19 aka coronavirus) for which you all had to learn life-coping ,survival skills as well as trying to complete your education by virtual/digital learning amidst sacrificing from seeing your schoolmates ,teachers and peers due to social distancing,self- isolation,quarantine and lockdown.

You all made it this far and had shown the entire world that you came out of this a much stronger group of people,ready to face a brave,new world in the era of COVID-19.

The struggle in coping with COVID-19 will still continue but at least now, you are all no longer neophytes in dealing with this festering ,unseen virus.

You all deserve to celebrate it via your own improvised forms of the senior prom(high-schoolers),other graduation parties as well as the graduation ceremonies.

Congratulations to all of you!

We are all in this together and stay safe!
