
Monthly Archives: January 2023

Lisa Marie Presley, the only offspring of the late Elvis Presley , the King of Rock and Roll and Priscilla Presley has died yesterday after experiencing earlier of a sudden cardiac arrest.

In spite of resuscitation and eventual hospitalization, she eventually died.

Ever since her father died, she has constantly lived under his shadow but she made sure that his legacy goes on. She even made a career as a rock singer. She had her share of troubled marriages but out of them ,she had 4 offsprings, 1 of which unfortunately died from a gunshot wound in 2020—her only son Benjamin Keough–27 years old . She had reportedly not gotten over that. She had bouts of drug addiction in the past as well. I presume it was her way of coping through most of her life trials.

She was considered the Princess of Graceland.

I see her now reunited with her son and father in the great beyond.

My thoughts and prayers to her mother Priscilla and her 3 surviving daughters.

I find this moment so surreal since this past week, she was celebrating her father’s heavenly birthday and even attended the Golden Globes where her father’s biopic movie “Elvis” was up for numerous nominations.

At least she got to see Austin Butler win Best Actor for depicting her late father in the movie.

Lisa Marie, we will always remember you like how we did with your father.

